Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend links: A Mix

Some of you might have noticed the absence of my weekend links feature over the last few weeks. The primary problem was that I couldn't decide upon a theme, and the secondary problem was that I was probably gardening!
   So, despite it being Monday, I want to share with you an eclectic selection of things I just couldn't keep to myself.

For the Artsy

Psyko Paint allows you to turn an existing photo or blank canvas into a painting using a variety of different texture brushes. With no sign up or program download necessary you can use it as a fun distraction or a serious art form depending on your time constraints. I turned a photo of Nathanael walking through a parking lot into the picture's not genius but I only had a few minutes. Even if you don't try it out flipping through the galleries of works submitted by others is worthwhile.

For the Bookish

Over at Lemon Squeezy, Sharon has created some really fun fox bookmarks which you can print for free! There is even a neat pattern to print on the back. I don't have a printer, but if I did these would find their way into my cookbooks and the other books I'm reading lickety-split! (Picture from Lemon Squeezy.)

For the EcoNut

I am a fan of fungus. In general it is essential to ecosystems, occasionally it is tasty, but starting soon it will also protect your computer during shipping. Dell recently announced their adoption of Ecocradle Mushroom® Packaging.

 This alternative to Styrofoam is, of course, biodegradable (use as mulch is encouraged), and can be grown in just a few days without the use of petrochemicals. Ecovative also designs building insulation from mycelium materials. Photos from Ecovative

For the Traveler

The Market from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo documents a bit of a day in the Maeklong Market in Bangkok. Not only is a beautiful and colorful walk through the stands, it also shows one thing that makes this market a bit different. Read the short write up Terje wrote about it on his page, and then check out some of his other glimpses of the world.

Aren't these exciting finds?
What fantastic things have you discovered lately?


  1. Woah that packaging just blew my mind just now. I don't know if I could touch it, knowing it was basically mushrooms, but that is so cool.

  2. @Rachel J
    Ha ha
    Your comment made me smile.
    I'm guessing it is fairly similar to Styrofoam in texture, and not too mushroomy. The website says they heat treat it to dry it and kill any spores that might be present.

  3. Wow..fungus as packaging material? I've never heard of that, but it sounds awesome. And also, like, why didn't someone think of that earlier? I will definitely check out psyko paint; sounds cool.

  4. Mushrooms make perfect sense, lightweight and biodegradable. Brilliant. I followed the Ecovative link and found that they are selling these to the general public too ... So clever!

  5. Ok, I think those fox bookmarks are really adorable!!!!



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